8.20 - Full Resolution of the issue
Our server hosts report the issue is fully resolved. If there are any further issues, please contact us.
5.28pm - Update from server host
Our provider has confirmed that everything is coming back online but have a team monitoring the situation for a few hours to make sure everything continues working.
4.44pm - Update from server host
They are continuing to work on resolving the issue. Unfortunately still no ETA for when the issue will be resolved.
2.51pm - Update from server host
Our provider has found the cause of the issue and are currently working on resolving it. Currently no ETA
1.30pm - Update from our server host
Our server hosts have confirmed they have an issue across all regions. They have a team working on resolving this ASAP. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and will share updates as soon as we know more.
12pm - Attachment uploads stopped working
We looked into this and found the issue to be with our hosts who store the attachments. We are attempting to contact them and get information on when they will get back up.