A. To input a client trial balance or draft financial statement:
- Go to the Trial Balance page
- Click on the 'upload trial balance' tab
- There are two methods - manual and importing from an Excel file.
- For jobs where a computer generated client trial balance is available this will be more efficient - from your accounting software produce an Excel or similar trial balance (.csv, Xero .xml, Open Office or Google Docs Excel output).
- Or you can also create your own import file where you can copy and paste figures from say draft accounts in Excel or Word - go to 'import' and click on Download import template file to have Audit Assistant provide you with a template in which to paste your data).
- The template opens in Excel and includes instructions. Items may be typed in or copied and pasted to produce a satisfactory Trial Balance. The column marked "Section" is optional. Note: Any rows where the "Section" column is left blank will not be imported. This means that if you do not want to pre-select section, you must delete the "Section" heading. It also means that you can filter out rows that you do not wish to import (say heading or totals) simply by leaving the "section" column blank for those items.
- Or you may use any other Excel type format so long as you ensure that the headings are on one line and read: code, name (or account), current (or draft or two columns debit and credit which is how they will appear from MYOB AO), prior and budget. It is not essential to have a code or prior or budget column. Audit Assistant will accept headings natively out of Xero or MYOB AO without changing - unless these have been customised).
- You may delete from the body of the data any totals, lines or headings you do not wish to import (such as dummy lines for imputation accounts etc) or if you are pre-selecting sections add a column called 'section' and type in the alpha code of the section you wish to map the line to (e.g. "G" for Income). The alpha codes may be seen on the bottom of the Draft Trial Balance page. From MYOB ensure that the 'section' heading is on the lower of the two heading lines lines.
- You may also wish to sort the data into different groups or order before importing if you wish as Audit Assistant will retain this order when imported so it may save some time sorting later.
- Select 'choose file' and browse to the file you have saved then select 'upload'. Your data should appear on the page without delay.
- If you haven't pre-mapped your accounts or if there are accounts in the wrong place either: a) hover with your mouse over the grey section headings at the bottom of the page until drag handle appear. Drag the heading into the approximate appropriate place in the trail balance. or b) edit the item (from the drop-box at the end of the line) and change the section alpha character there.
- Individual accounts may also be moved to other sections by hovering over the item with your mouse to see the drag handle then drag into the appropriate file section (e.g. income).
- Missed items may be added and mistakes may be fixed manually without re-importing (see below).
- If required the entire import may be cleared and re-done using the 'clear all' command at the top right of the page (say if the wrong client was imported). Note that this will clear all data however, including what you may have added in the prior year.
- Mistakes may also be fixed by re-importing amended data if the mistake is of a minor nature (say a line was missed out or prior year was omitted).
- Hover over an existing item with your mouse to see the drop-down box icon (green arrow) which allows the option to edit, add another line into that section ('insert'), delete the item or add a subtotal at that point.
- For very small jobs where a computer produced client trial balance is not available this may be more efficient.
- On the data page select 'new item' from top right corner.
- Enter code (if applicable), name (of account), draft (current year figure), budget (if applicable), and prior (if applicable) and the section you wish the account to map to.
- Remember to enter credits as negatives.
- Move to next line and repeat until all data is entered.
- Hover over an existing item with your mouse to see the drop-down box icon (green arrow) which allows the option to edit, add another line into that section ('insert'), delete the item or add a subtotal at that point or change the section alpha code.
A MYOB TB with a 'section' column included. On import this will automatically map to the specified section without need to drag and drop:
A TB out of Xero which has headings. No adjustment is required in this TB at all as it maps heading names directly into Audit Assistant - bringing in the YTD Debit and Credit columns only. If a prior year column was required this could be manually added onto the side of the table with heading "Prior":
Other types of files may be sorted like this by using our default section names as headings within your TB.
Where you are unable to get a TB to load, send it through to Support and we will happily test and tell you what the problem is. Most users find the process very straight-forward after the first couple.
See also Trial Balance Import, Trial Balance sorting and sub-totals.