If you are customising workpapers and you wish to create a hyper link from one page to another follow these steps:
- You will need to ensure that the page you are linking to is assigned a variable. Go to where that page branches from its parent page and edit the item. Tick "use as variable" at the bottom and assign that page a name (if it doesn't already have a variable assigned) - see Figure One below. Save item and republish page.
- Next go to the page where you want the link to appear. Edit the item and type the variable name in double curly brackets - see Figure Two below. Just typing the variable will bring in the workpaper name, or its reference if it hasn't yet been created in the job. If you wish to have different text appear in the link or force the page name in every case rather than it's reference, type :text then the text you wish to appear in the link.
- Now at a client level there will be a link visible - click on the link to go back to the referenced page - see Figure Three.
- Optionally, you may also wish to display the Conclusion for the referenced page by typing .conclusion after the page variable reference e.g {{preliminary_analytical_review.conclusion}}
Figure one: adding a page variable to page C1 at its root on A1.
Figure two: referencing page C1 from page X1
Figure Three: How the link looks from within a client job