At the completion of work (after signing off A1 page) an annual rollover dialog box appears in the sidebar:
- Click Rollover and Generate PDF to start a new year afresh with conclusions deleted and current year data moved to prior
- The client will be locked while the rollover is completed - usually no more than a couple of minutes at most – other jobs may be opened while this is happening
- Rollover should be carried out as soon as possible after the job is completed - preferably on the same day that the A1 page is finalised and the audit report is signed - however, if work is outstanding an audit job must be finalised within 60 days of signoff (60 days allows time for tidying up the file, completing management letter, etc.)
- As a reminder, the deadline on the client page then starts to counts down to 60-day deadline to finalise the file
- The rollover produces a PDF version of the completed year, and a copy is kept at the bottom of the sidebar
- Click the PDF for any year to export it as PDF or ZIP file (this works very similarly to the print/export button further above in the sidebar)
- Attachments may be accessed from the PDF's produced by rollover, however these need internet to view
- Alternatively, there is an option in the dialog to download all attachments
- If attachment printing is required this is done separately using the appropriate program (Word, Excel) - click on the links and the attachment will open the appropriate program
- Rolled over job includes all comments and attachments as prior year (greyed out)
- In new year attachments, comments, risks are all able to be brought forward by clicking the green bring-forward arrow:
- After bringing comments forward they may be edited – the user name and date will be updated
- Bring-forward arrows may be ignored – they do not need to be deleted as on conclusion of the page they will be removed anyway
- Trial balance is moved from current to prior - section classifications and sub-totals are maintained
- New year trial balance may now be imported (see trial balance import)
TIP: A copy of this rolled over file should also be saved to the auditors backup system – right-click on link and download.